
Csabaholding Service Providing Ltd

Csabaholding Service Providing Ltd is one of Hungary's largest advisory companies specialised in managing bankruptcy, liquidation and reorganisation processes, and it provides its services with the possession of the appropriate professional experience and expertise and by closely monitoring the international results and researches of the insolvency profession.

Csabaholding Ltd is a member of the hww wienberg wilhelm international insolvency advisory organisation with its registered seat in Germany, which is comprised of members engaging in insolvency proceedings in 27 countries.

Central e-mail address: info@csabaholding.hu

1146 Bp., Thököly út 59/A., I/3.
T: 06-1-450-04-34,
Fax: 06-1-270-96-37
  5600 Békéscsaba, Teleki
u. 6.
T: 06-66-454-411
Fax: 06-66-445-464
  5000 Szolnok, Liget u. 7. fsz. 1.
Tel/fax: 56/376-230.
  7636 Pécs, Fáy A. u. 24.
Tel: 72/214-120
Fax: 72/515-668
  4026 Debrecen, Bem tér 21.
Tel/fax: 52/347-411
9027 Győr, Gyóni Géza sétány 4. A. ép. IV. em. 406.
Tel: 96/524-756
Fax: 96/524-757
  4400 Nyíregyháza, Szegfű u. 73.
Tel. 42/787-735
Fax: 42/787-495
  9700 Szombathely, Kárpáti Kelemen u. 120.
Tel: 94/320-928
Honlap: Ananké Web Kft.